MainBhiDilli is a people's campaign to make planning in Delhi more representative and inclusive by engaging citizens in the 2041 Master Plan process. It is our aim to start a public discussion on what kind of city the people of Delhi want and how to make it more equitable, just and sustainable. Let’s Reinvent Delhi.
This is a key moment for Delhi as the next Master Plan (2021-2041) is being formulated. Experience from previous plans has shown that the planning process is undemocratic and non-participatory which makes the final plan divergent from ground realities and not reflective of people's needs. A vast majority of people not only lack a say in the way the city is planned but are viewed as lesser contributors to the city whose needs are therefore never recognized. We believe that all residents of Delhi have a right to be heard and to be part of envisioning our collective urban future. It is our aim to make the process of planning more representative and accessible to all by enabling wide-ranging public discussions on what kind of city and plan the people of Delhi want. Through public meetings and media, it is our aim to make the city engage with its own development visions. We aim to speak about the whole city and claim full share for all those excluded from the current imagination of urbanization including the urban poor who are city-makers involved in diverse livelihoods, the homeless and the majority living in poor and insecure housing and all those identities like women, sexual and religious minorities who are considered lesser urban citizens.
Beyond the specific demands for each sector laid out in our Factsheets and Technical Proposals, the campaign is guided by a specific broad set of principles about planning per se:
That the process of making the Delhi Master Plan be as public as possible
That Citizens have the capacity to understand and engage with the Plan
That Citizens have real and substantive opportunities to shape the Plan
That the Plan account for and reflect the Real City of how residents actually live and work
To these ends, the Campaign thus organised itself into four core elements:
Public Meetings to generate awareness about the Plan and the Process of MPD 41
Development of Factsheets to anchor the Campaign's perspectives and positions on key issues
Development of Technical Reports for immediate inclusion into Draft Master Plans
Creation of public fora where citizens can engage with the Draft Master Plan
These four core elements thus structure the campaign, as illustrated in the figure below.